30 December, 2006

On second thought...

wordpress is kicking google's ass. they were the new blogger beta before blogger came out of beta.


29 December, 2006

Again I contemplate returning to Blogger.

I really like the new Blogger. It only becomes more and more user-friendly, while Xanga becomes more unwieldy.

I smell a change brewing. With so many of them afoot, it shouldn't be a surprise.

File under "So Unsurprising:"
It's my last day at On Center Software and I'm working overtime to finish a project.

File under "Big Surprise to Daniel:"
I'm actually starting to get excited about moving to Chicago. Let's pray I still am the first time I step into 9 degree weather.

P.S. Like the new design? It'll do until I can do something for myself, I think.

16 August, 2005

A Lion's Den Continues On, Ignored.

Well, Xanga resubscribed me and getting money back from them could be easy or a hassle, so I'm still over there. I'd do the whole "Dual post thing" but that takes effort and i doubt anyone would read the posts here.

Go read my boring thoughts. I promise I'll continue to underwhelm you with my prose.

27 June, 2005

Your Xanga Premium has expired.

My premium subscription expired at Xanga. I don't seem to care.
I just have too much going on right now to take time to think of clever things and, though many of my friends are the sort that just think of clever things all day long with little effort, I am not of that special sort.

I'm sure I'll still post, I just no longer think it's worth that $25/year to make it look like less basic than it does, or get the custom module that only shows up if I choose not to customize the look of my site. It's certainly not worth it for the image hosting they provide.

I keep toying with the idea of moving back to blogspot, one, because it's prettier and two, because it's a google product and I love Google. The issue? Everyone swears they'll stop reading if I switch and, well, I'm not exciting enough to drag you over there. I'm an extrovert. I crave attention. Look at me! Look at me!!

Have a great week, y'all.

21 June, 2005

I'm considering moving from xanga to blogger.

16 September, 2004

This Blog is E-M-P-T-Y

Hey all, This Blog is empty. I once used blogger, then blogspot ate my blog and almost two years of whining.

I took a year hiatus, and now write my thoughts down in http://www.danieleggert.com. It's powered by xanga.